Hej eventuella Berlinboende personer som läser min blogg! Ni har väl inte missat att en väldigt grym grej äger rum väldigt snart? Berlin Feminist Film Week! Hur välbehövligt känns inte det i ett land där sexismen inte ens kallas vid sitt rätta namn? Om feberdimman i mitt huvud inte hade varit så total hade jag här kunnat skriva något intelligent, men istället ägnar jag mig åt lite copy+paste från festivalens eminenta hemsida som ni finner här:

The mission of this film festival is to inspire, entertain and most importantly, pay tribute to all wonderfully talented, inspiring kick-ass women out there. The Berlin Feminist Film Week presents a week of films made by women mainly about other females. We seek to increase visibility for all femtastic filmmakers out there and highlight films with strong female characters.


In the majority of all movies currently shown in cinemas around the world, women play the supporting role – behind, as well as in front of the camera. We want to put forward female filmmakers and films dealing with women in general – films in which women are portrayed as active rather than passive, in which women play the leading role and movies in which women are as strong, interesting and diverse as in real life.


As most festivals only show a very small proportion of movies made by women, for the first year, we have chosen to only focus on movies made by female filmmakers. Our ambition is to show a varied and diverse program with films from multiple genres from different parts of the world. Rather than excluding men, this film week is about including those who usually get less attention.


It is 2014 and still, only one woman has ever won the Academy Award for Best Director. We believe we all agree that women in film deserve more attention.


We welcome every film fan, cinema-goer, feminist and non-feminist to enjoy the 2014 Berlin Feminist Film Week.

This year’s edition will take place from March 8th-13th at Kino Babylon, Queen Qotti and Villa Neukölln. Keep an eye out for the program and find us on Facebook.

Hur peppade är ni? SÅHÄÄÄÄÄR PEPPAAAAAD (viftar med armarna och hoppar jättehögt) är jag! Spana in programmet, räkna ut hur många filmer ni har råd att se, och köp biljetter. Själv är jag tvungen att avvakta en liten, liten stund. För tyvärr är det ju inte alls roligt att hänga i biosalonger feberförvirrad. Ta hand om er!


Åh jag fick reda på att den fanns precis när det var för sent :'( så himla segt!

Svar: Och jag var sjuk och stressad och fattig och textupptagen :(

